Cost-Share Match Contributions

January 1, 2023
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Matching Contribution Eligibility and Documentation

Be a partner in wildfire prevention

Contributions are critical to expand our effectiveness in wildfire prevention. Our Federal and State grants require us to have matching contributions from our local partners in wildfire prevention. To continue to receive these grants DFSC must be able to document your community’s matching contribution.

Help us track your project efforts & improve the chance of future funding in your community!

Match contributions for DFSC Grants can come in two forms:

  1. Cash (paid to project contractor or donated to DFSC and spent on project)
  2. In-kind contributions (goods, services, volunteer time / sweat equity, etc)

Matching contributions must meet ALL four eligibility criteria:

1. Contributions are verifiable

  • Documented with time sheets, volunteer sign-in sheets, receipts, cancelled checks or paid invoices. Documented with photographs from before, during and after work.
  • Verification includes:
  • Contributor’s name and title/ organization (if applicable)
  • Date of contribution or match. Time sheets or volunteer sign-in sheets should include date, time in, time out and task description.
  • Description of contribution and value. Explanation of how valuation was made and who made the value determination.
  • Contributor Signature

2. Contributions are in scope and reasonable for the project

  • Contributions must relate to the project objectives outlined by DFSC and play an essential role in the completion of the project
  • Value is consistent with the value of similar goods and/or services.
  • Value must be reasonable for the project type and location. Value to be what objective individuals would reasonably agree is the value.
  • Volunteer hourly rates follow DFSC standards for calculations.

3. Contributions are allowable under grant guidelines.

  • Your match must conform to any limitations in the grant agreement.

4. Federal Government funds can’t be used as a match for another Federal Grant. Also, State funds can’t be used as a match for another State Grant.

  • Questions? Contact Cheryl Miller, Executive Coordinator at or (510) 282-1265.
  • For your match to count, your efforts must be documented.

Diablo Fire Safe Council Cost Share Program

DFSC will match $ for $ up to $5,000

DFSC amount = homeowner group $ to pay contractor + value of sweat equity

DFSC to pay a maximum of $5,000

DFSC to only pay contractor directly (no reimbursements to homeowners).

Cost Share Examples

Total $ available to pay contractorDFSC $ to contractorHomeowner group’s $ to pay contractor Homeowner group “sweat equity (1 hr = $31.50) 
All sweat equity from homeowner’s group $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 159 hours = $ 5,008.50
Max $ with no sweat equity $ 10,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $0
Less sweat equity from group w/ no homeowner $ to pay contractor $ 3,685.50 $ 3,685.50 117 hours = $ 3,685.50
Mix of sweat equity from group and cash (with max $5,000 from DFSC) $ 6,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 1,500.00 117 hours = $ 3,685.50

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