Becoming a Nationally Recognized Firewise USA® Site
The Firewise USA® program provides a collaborative framework for neighbors to reduce wildfire risks at the local level. The national recognition program’s annual criteria are designed to empower and engage residents living in wildfire-prone areas with a plan and actions that can increase their home’s chances of surviving a wildfire while also making it safer for firefighters.
Steps to Achieving National Recognition:
Wildfire Risk Assessment
Completing a written wildfire risk assessment is the first step in becoming a nationally recognized Firewise USA® site. Contact your Firewise liaison for the state’s requirements on developing a risk assessment.
Form a board/committee comprised of residents and other applicable wildfire stakeholders. This group will collaborate on developing the site’s risk reduction priorities, develop a multi-year action plan based on the assessment, and oversee the completion of the annual renewal requirements.
Action Plan
Action plans are a prioritized list of risk reduction projects developed by the participant’s board/committee for their site. Plans include recommended home ignition zone projects, educational activities, and other stakeholder outreach efforts that the site will strive to complete annually or over multiple years.
Educational Outreach
Each participating site is required to have a minimum of one wildfire risk reduction educational outreach event or related activity annually.
Wildfire Risk Reduction Investment
At a minimum, each site is required to invest the equivalent value of one volunteer hour per dwelling unit in risk reduction actions annually. A wide range of qualifying actions and expenditures (contractor costs, rental equipment, resident activities, grants, etc.) comprise the overall investment totals.
Applicants begin the overall process by creating a site profile at The application is eligible for submission when the overall criteria are completed.
State liaisons approve applications with final processing completed by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Please note: Individual states may require additional application requirements beyond those of the national program.
This publication was produced in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service, US Department of the Interior, and the National Association of State Foresters. NFPA is an equal opportunity provider. Firewise® and Firewise USA® are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA. Firewise USA® is a program of the National Fire Protection Association.