WCCFSC Applauds Contra Costa Grand Jury Report on Community Warning System Enhancements
Ra Criscitiello, Secretary, West Contra Costa Fire Safe Council, (510) 779-7280
Richmond, CA – July 8, 2024 – The West Contra Costa Fire Safe Council (WCCFSC) is proud to announce the success of an investigation into the Contra Costa County Community Warning System (CWS). The recent report by the Contra Costa County Civil Grand Jury contains critical recommendations to significantly enhance the safety and well-being of our residents.
WCCFSC volunteer Rocky Saunders initiated this vital investigation, while WCCFSC Chair Soheila Bana’s tireless efforts were instrumental in driving it forward as she shared essential data and recordings of the related WCCFSC Board and Advisory Board meetings. Their dedication has been a beacon of inspiration.
The report includes the following recommendations:
- Inclusivity – Automatically register all available contact data for County residents and businesses into the CWS with an opt-out mechanism.
- Redundancy – Commission a sound study to determine the feasibility of deploying Long-Range Acoustic Devices (LRADs) in the County.
- Alert Urgency – Train employees in the Sheriff’s dispatch center to operate the CWS.
- Testing – Conduct testing of the CWS to determine the causes of alert failures.
- Investigation – Execute a contract with a third-party consulting firm to conduct a comprehensive risk analysis of the CWS.
- Advisory Subcommittee – Establish a CWS advisory subcommittee of the Emergency Services Policy Board.
- Training Verification – Implement a process to ensure that first responders certify they have reviewed and understood the CWS training materials.
The WCCFSC looks forward to the implementation of these recommendations and hopes to be included in the advisory subcommittee. We believe our expertise and on-ground experience will contribute significantly to the continuous improvement of the CWS.
Please refer to the full report here:
West Contra Costa Fire Safe Council (WCCFSC) fosters collaborative information exchange and education about wildfire preparedness, evacuation, and fire safety within the County of Contra Costa.