West Contra Costa Fire Safe Council (WCCFSC) is a trusted 501(c)(3) nonprofit fire prevention organization. Established in 2022, our mission is to provide education, exchange information, and foster wildfire prevention and fire safety within the County of Contra Costa.
Events Per Year
Community Partners
Volunteer Hours
Community Fire Safety Leaders You Can Trust
​WCCFSC is honored to have the Richmond Fire Chief as its Agency Liaison to facilitate collaboration with other fire agencies.
Our partners currently include Cal Fire, California Fire Safe, East Bay Regional Parks District (EBRPD), East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), Caltrans, and other stakeholders for wildfire safety in Contra Costa County.

Together, we work to advance nonprofit wildfire prevention efforts and ensure Contra Costa County remains fire-resilient.
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WCCFSC focuses on helping residents become FireWise through public awareness, education, and ongoing training.