Cost-Share Match Contributions

Matching Contribution Eligibility and Documentation Be a partner in wildfire prevention Contributions are critical to expand our effectiveness in wildfire prevention. Our Federal and State grants require us to have matching contributions from our local partners in...

Emergency Egress Routes on Rancho Rd & Galbreth Roads

Evacuation Routes The West Contra Costa Fire Safe Council (WCCFSC) works to ensure every community has a relatively safe evacuation route and an alternative emergency egress route. Evacuation Route I – Rancho Rd (El Sobrante) / Galbreth Rd (Pinole) This...

Presentation on Home Hardening

What Is Home Hardening? On July 13, 2022, Sheryl Drinkwater, a seasoned architect and board member of the Diablo Fire Safe Council, shared valuable insights on home hardening during a presentation in Berkeley. With over 25 years of experience in the East Bay and...